Monday, February 20, 2012

Tiny Chameleons. Watch your step !

Chameleon picture: Brookesia micra, a new species, one of the world's smallest reptiles

Photograph courtesy Frank Glaw
Match-tip tiny, Brookesia micra (juvenile pictured) is the smallest of four new chameleon species found on the African island country of Madagascar. With an average adult length of just over an inch (2.9 centimeters) from snout to tail, B. micra is among the tiniest reptiles in the world.

 Chameleon picture: Brookesia micra, a new species, one of the world's smallest reptiles

"In this scenario, Madagascar, as a large island, led to the evolution of theBrookesia minima group, whereas the ... islet Nosy Hara might have favored the extreme miniaturization found in Brookesia micra," the researchers write.

Scientists think the diminutive new chameleon species might represent extreme cases of island dwarfism, whereby organisms shrink in size due to limited resources on islands.

"The extreme miniaturization of these dwarf reptiles might be accompanied by numerous specializations of the body plan, and this constitutes a promising field for future research," study leader Frank Glaw of Germany's Zoological State Collection said in a statement.

Madagascar picture: Forest home of Brookesia micra, a new species, one of the world's smallest reptiles 
(Watch your step ;) )

Scientists think the lizards live in leaf litter on the ground during the day but move up into the trees at night to sleep.

—Ker Than

I would love to have one of em as a pet.... :D


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